Disobedience of subpoena, restraining notice or order; false swearing; destroying notice of sale
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 52
§ 5251. Disobedience of subpoena, restraining notice or order; false
swearing; destroying notice of sale. Refusal or willful neglect of any
person to obey a subpoena or restraining notice issued, or order
granted, pursuant to this title; false swearing upon an examination or
in answering written questions; and willful defacing or removal of a
posted notice of sale before the time fixed for the sale, shall each be
punishable as a contempt of court.
swearing; destroying notice of sale. Refusal or willful neglect of any
person to obey a subpoena or restraining notice issued, or order
granted, pursuant to this title; false swearing upon an examination or
in answering written questions; and willful defacing or removal of a
posted notice of sale before the time fixed for the sale, shall each be
punishable as a contempt of court.