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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Return of property; directions to clerk and sheriff
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 62
§ 6225. Return of property; directions to clerk and sheriff. Upon
motion of any interested person, on notice to the sheriff and each
party, the court may direct the clerk of any county to cancel a notice
of attachment and may direct the sheriff to dispose of, account for,
assign, return or release any property or debt, or the proceeds thereof,
or any undertaking, or to file additional inventories or returns,
subject to the payment of the sheriff's fees and expenses. The court
shall direct that notice of the motion be given to the plaintiffs in
other orders of attachment, if any, and to the judgment creditors of
executions, if any, affecting any property or debt, or the proceeds
thereof, sought to be returned or released.