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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Seizing, reclaiming or returning less than all chattels
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 71
§ 7104. Seizing, reclaiming or returning less than all chattels. Where
the seizure of two or more chattels is required by the order of seizure,
the sheriff shall seize those chattels which can be found. Less than all
of the seized chattels may be impounded, reclaimed or returned. The
value of the chattels seized, as stated in the affidavit of the
plaintiff, or as determined by the court upon application of the
defendant, shall be the value for the purposes of subsequent
undertakings in the action. Unless the court orders otherwise, the
sheriff may, at any time before entry of judgment, seize those chattels
not yet seized; the proceedings for reclaiming, impounding or returning
a chattel subsequently seized are the same as on a former seizure.