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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Unique chattel
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 71
§ 7109. Unique chattel. (a) Injunction, temporary restraining order.
Where the chattel is unique, the court may grant a preliminary
injunction or temporary restraining order that the chattel shall not be
removed from the state, transferred, sold, pledged, assigned or
otherwise disposed of until the further order of the court.

(b) Judgment enforceable by contempt. Where the chattel is unique, the
court, in addition to granting a judgment under section 7108, may direct
that a party in possession deliver the chattel to the party entitled to
possession. Disobedience of a judgment or order so directing may be
punished as a contempt of court. If a party accepts the value of the
chattel awarded to him by the judgment, he shall have no claim to the