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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Oaths; acknowledgments; certification or exemplification
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 80
ยง 8009. Oaths; acknowledgments; certification or exemplification. Any
authorized officer is entitled, for the services specified, to the
following fees:

1. for administering an oath or affirmation, and certifying it when
required, except where another fee is specially prescribed by statute,
two dollars;

2. for taking and certifying the acknowledgment or proof of the
execution of a written instrument, two dollars for one person and two
dollars for each additional person, and two dollars for swearing each
witness thereto; and

3. for certifying or exemplifying a typewritten or printed copy of any
document, paper, book or record in his custody, twenty-five cents for
each folio with a minimum of one dollar.