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Fixed fees of sheriffs
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 80
* § 8011. Fixed fees of sheriffs. For the services specified, a
sheriff is entitled to the following fees and, where indicated, these
shall be paid in advance.

(a) Order of attachment.

1. For receiving an order of attachment, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, fifteen dollars, in

2. For levying upon real or personal property, forty dollars, in

3. For each additional levy upon real or personal property by virtue
of an order of attachment, forty dollars, in advance.

4. For serving a copy of an order of attachment on a defendant, and
for serving a copy on each additional defendant, fifteen dollars, in

5. For serving a summons with or without a complaint, fifteen dollars,
in advance.

6. For making and filing a description of real property, or an
inventory of personal property, levied upon by virtue of an order of
attachment, or an estimate of the value thereof, fifteen dollars.

7. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two, three and four of
this subdivision, in advance, provided, however, that where the services
covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time and place,
there shall be only one mileage fee.

(b) Property execution.

1. For receiving an execution against property, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, fifteen dollars, in
advance, except that in an execution which arises out of an action
brought pursuant to article eighteen of the uniform district court act,
article eighteen of the uniform city court act, article eighteen of the
New York city civil court act or article eighteen of the uniform justice
court act, the fees provided in this subdivision shall not be collected
in advance.

2. For levying upon property by virtue of an execution, fifteen

3. For making an inventory of property levied upon by virtue of an
execution, fifteen dollars.

4. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two and three of this
subdivision, in advance, provided however, that where the services
covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time, there shall
be only one mileage fee.

(c) Income execution; service upon judgment debtor.

1. For receiving an income execution, entering it in appropriate
books, and return when required, fifteen dollars, in advance.

2. For serving the income execution upon the judgment debtor, fifteen
dollars, in advance.

3. Mileage for service covered in paragraph two of this subdivision,
unless such execution is served by mail.

(d) Income execution; levy upon default or failure to serve judgment

1. For serving an income execution, entering it in the appropriate
books, and return when required, fifteen dollars, in advance.

2. For levying upon the money that the judgment debtor is receiving or
will receive, fifteen dollars, in advance.

3. Mileage for services covered in paragraph two of this subdivision
unless such levy is made by mail.

(e) Recovery of chattel.

1. For receiving an order to recover chattel, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, fifteen dollars, in

2. For executing the order of seizure against the defendant's chattel
or chattels, seventy-five dollars, in advance.

3. For executing the order of seizure against the chattel or chattels
of an additional defendant or any other person in whose possession said
chattel or chattels may be found, forty dollars, in advance.

4. For serving an additional copy of the required papers, fifteen
dollars, in advance.

5. For serving the summons with or without a complaint, fifteen
dollars, in advance.

6. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two, three, four and
five of this subdivision, in advance, provided however, that where the
services covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time and
place, there shall be only one mileage fee.

(f) Summary proceeding.

1. Notice of petition and petition.

(i) For receiving a notice of petition and petition, obtaining an
index number when required, entering it in the appropriate books, and
return, fifteen dollars, in advance.

(ii) For serving the notice of petition on a tenant or other person in
possession, fifteen dollars, in advance.

(iii) For serving the notice of petition on each additional tenant,
undertenant, subtenant, person or persons in possession, or person or
persons not in possession to be served, fifteen dollars, in advance.

(iv) For making an affidavit of military or nonmilitary service,
fifteen dollars for each affidavit, in advance.

(v) Mileage for services covered in subparagraph (ii) of this
paragraph, and where person or persons named in the petition are to be
served at an address or addresses other than the premises described in
the petition, additional mileage shall be paid, in advance, except where
two or more notices of petition are to be served at the same time,
within the same site or location, there shall be only one mileage fee.

2. Warrant of eviction or any mandate requiring delivery of possession
of real property and removal of person or persons in possession.

(i) For requisitioning, receiving, entering in the appropriate books,
and for the return of a warrant of eviction or any other mandate,
fifteen dollars, in advance.

(ii) For service of notice of eviction on a person or persons to be
served, fifteen dollars for each person to be served, in advance.

(iii) Mileage of services covered in subparagraph (ii) of this
paragraph, in advance, except where two or more notices of eviction are
to be served at the same time, within the same site or location, there
shall be only one mileage fee.

(iv) For executing a warrant of eviction or any mandate requiring him
or her to put a person in possession of real property and removing
person or persons in possession, seventy-five dollars, in advance.

(v) Mileage for services covered in subparagraph (iv) of this
paragraph, in advance.

(g) Sales.

1. For posting of notice, including advertising real or personal
property for sale by virtue of an execution, order of attachment, or
other mandate, or in pursuance of a direction contained in a judgment,
or for a notice of postponement of a sale, fifteen dollars.

2. For drawing and executing a conveyance upon a sale of real
property, twenty dollars, to be paid by the grantee, in advance.

3. For attending a sale of real or personal property, fifteen dollars.

4. For conducting a sale of real or personal property, fifteen

5. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs three and four of this
subdivision provided, however, that where the services covered in such
paragraphs are performed at the same time and place, there shall be only
one mileage fee.

(h) Summons, subpoenas and other mandates.

1. For serving a summons, with or without a complaint or notice, for
serving a subpoena, or for serving civil process, fifteen dollars, in

2. For serving or executing an order of arrest, or any other mandate
for the service or execution of which no other fee is specifically
prescribed by law, forty-five dollars, in advance, except that when a
court has directed the service of an order of protection, there shall be
no fee for service of such order and of any related orders or papers to
be served simultaneously.

3. Mileage for services subject to fees under paragraphs one and two
of this subdivision, in advance.

4. For receiving a precept issued by commissioners appointed to
inquire concerning the incompetency of a person, the fee allowed the
clerk by subdivision (a) of section eight thousand twenty of this
article for placing a cause on the calendar, and for notifying a county
clerk or commissioner of jurors pursuant to such a precept, the fee, if
any, allowed the clerk by subdivision (c) of section eight thousand
twenty of this article for filing a demand for jury trial.

(i) Undertakings; returns; copies.

1. For taking any undertaking which the sheriff is authorized to take
one dollar and fifty cents, and the notary's fees to any affidavit or

2. For making a copy of a description or any inventory of property
levied upon by virtue of an order of attachment, or of a summons or
complaint, or other mandate, or an affidavit or any other paper served
by him or her, ten dollars, in advance.

3. For a certified copy of an execution, and of the return or
satisfaction thereupon, or for a certified copy of any undertaking which
he or she is authorized to take, ten dollars.

(j) Prisoners.

1. For each person committed to or discharged from prison, ten
dollars, in advance, to be paid by the person at whose instance he or
she is imprisoned.

2. For attending before an officer for the purpose of surrendering a
prisoner, or receiving into custody a prisoner surrendered, in
exoneration of his or her bail, ten dollars, for all his or her services
upon such a surrender or receipt.

(k) Jurors; view; constables' services.

1. For notifying jurors to attend upon a writ of inquiry, two dollars
and fifty cents for each juror notified, including the making and return
of the inquisition, when required; and for attending a jury when
required in such a case, twenty-eight dollars.

2. For attending a view, ten dollars for each day.

3. For any services which may be rendered by a constable, other than
those specifically provided for in this section, section eight thousand
twelve or eight thousand thirteen of this article, to the same fees as
are allowed by law to a constable for those services.

* NB Effective until March 13, 2025

* § 8011. Fixed fees of sheriffs. For the services specified, a
sheriff is entitled to the following fees and, where indicated, these
shall be paid in advance.

(a) Order of attachment.

1. For receiving an order of attachment, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, twenty dollars, in advance.

2. For levying upon real or personal property, fifty dollars, in

3. For each additional levy upon real or personal property by virtue
of an order of attachment, fifty dollars, in advance.

4. For serving a copy of an order of attachment on a defendant, and
for serving a copy on each additional defendant, twenty dollars, in

5. For serving a summons with or without a complaint, twenty dollars,
in advance.

6. For making and filing a description of real property, or an
inventory of personal property, levied upon by virtue of an order of
attachment, or an estimate of the value thereof, twenty dollars.

7. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two, three and four of
this subdivision, in advance, provided, however, that where the services
covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time and place,
there shall be only one mileage fee.

(b) Property execution.

1. For receiving an execution against property, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, twenty dollars, in advance,
except that in an execution which arises out of an action brought
pursuant to article eighteen of the uniform district court act, article
eighteen of the uniform city court act, article eighteen of the New York
city civil court act or article eighteen of the uniform justice court
act, the fees provided in this subdivision shall not be collected in

2. For levying upon property by virtue of an execution, twenty

3. For making an inventory of property levied upon by virtue of an
execution, twenty dollars.

4. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two and three of this
subdivision, in advance, provided however, that where the services
covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time, there shall
be only one mileage fee.

(c) Income execution; service upon judgment debtor.

1. For receiving an income execution, entering it in appropriate
books, and return when required, twenty dollars, in advance.

2. For serving the income execution upon the judgment debtor, twenty
dollars, in advance.

3. Mileage for service covered in paragraph two of this subdivision,
unless such execution is served by mail.

(d) Income execution; levy upon default or failure to serve judgment

1. For serving an income execution, entering it in the appropriate
books, and return when required, twenty dollars, in advance.

2. For levying upon the money that the judgment debtor is receiving or
will receive, twenty dollars, in advance.

3. Mileage for services covered in paragraph two of this subdivision
unless such levy is made by mail.

(e) Recovery of chattel.

1. For receiving an order to recover chattel, entering it in the
appropriate books, and return when required, twenty dollars, in advance.

2. For executing the order of seizure against the defendant's chattel
or chattels, one hundred dollars, in advance.

3. For executing the order of seizure against the chattel or chattels
of an additional defendant or any other person in whose possession said
chattel or chattels may be found, fifty dollars, in advance.

4. For serving an additional copy of the required papers, twenty
dollars, in advance.

5. For serving the summons with or without a complaint, twenty
dollars, in advance.

6. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs two, three, four and
five of this subdivision, in advance, provided however, that where the
services covered in such paragraphs are performed at the same time and
place, there shall be only one mileage fee.

(f) Summary proceeding.

1. Notice of petition and petition.

(i) For receiving a notice of petition and petition, obtaining an
index number when required, entering it in the appropriate books, and
return, twenty dollars, in advance.

(ii) For serving the notice of petition on a tenant or other person in
possession, twenty dollars, in advance.

(iii) For serving the notice of petition on each additional tenant,
undertenant, subtenant, person or persons in possession, or person or
persons not in possession to be served, twenty dollars, in advance.

(iv) For making an affidavit of military or nonmilitary service,
twenty dollars for each affidavit, in advance.

(v) Mileage for services covered in subparagraph (ii) of this
paragraph, and where person or persons named in the petition are to be
served at an address or addresses other than the premises described in
the petition, additional mileage shall be paid, in advance, except where
two or more notices of petition are to be served at the same time,
within the same site or location, there shall be only one mileage fee.

2. Warrant of eviction or any mandate requiring delivery of possession
of real property and removal of person or persons in possession.

(i) For requisitioning, receiving, entering in the appropriate books,
and for the return of a warrant of eviction or any other mandate,
fifteen dollars, in advance.

(ii) For service of notice of eviction on a person or persons to be
served, fifteen dollars for each person to be served, in advance.

(iii) Mileage of services covered in subparagraph (ii) of this
paragraph, in advance, except where two or more notices of eviction are
to be served at the same time, within the same site or location, there
shall be only one mileage fee.

(iv) For executing a warrant of eviction or any mandate requiring him
or her to put a person in possession of real property and removing
person or persons in possession, seventy-five dollars, in advance.

(v) Mileage for services covered in subparagraph (iv) of this
paragraph, in advance.

(g) Sales.

1. For posting of notice, including advertising real or personal
property for sale by virtue of an execution, order of attachment, or
other mandate, or in pursuance of a direction contained in a judgment,
or for a notice of postponement of a sale, twenty dollars.

2. For drawing and executing a conveyance upon a sale of real
property, twenty-five dollars, to be paid by the grantee, in advance.

3. For attending a sale of real or personal property, twenty dollars.

4. For conducting a sale of real or personal property, twenty dollars.

5. Mileage for services covered in paragraphs three and four of this
subdivision provided, however, that where the services covered in such
paragraphs are performed at the same time and place, there shall be only
one mileage fee.

(h) Summons, subpoenas and other mandates.

1. For serving a summons, with or without a complaint or notice, for
serving a subpoena, or for serving civil process, twenty dollars, in

2. For serving or executing an order of arrest, or any other mandate
for the service or execution of which no other fee is specifically
prescribed by law, fifty-five dollars, in advance, except that when a
court has directed the service of an order of protection, there shall be
no fee for service of such order and of any related orders or papers to
be served simultaneously.

3. Mileage for services subject to fees under paragraphs one and two
of this subdivision, in advance.

4. For receiving a precept issued by commissioners appointed to
inquire concerning the incompetency of a person, the fee allowed the
clerk by subdivision (a) of section eight thousand twenty of this
article for placing a cause on the calendar, and for notifying a county
clerk or commissioner of jurors pursuant to such a precept, the fee, if
any, allowed the clerk by subdivision (c) of section eight thousand
twenty of this article for filing a demand for jury trial.

(i) Undertakings; returns; copies.

1. For taking any undertaking which the sheriff is authorized to take
two dollars, and the notary's fees to any affidavit or acknowledgements.

2. For making a copy of a description or any inventory of property
levied upon by virtue of an order of attachment, or of a summons or
complaint, or other mandate, or an affidavit or any other paper served
by him or her, fifteen dollars, in advance.

3. For a certified copy of an execution, and of the return or
satisfaction thereupon, or for a certified copy of any undertaking which
he or she is authorized to take, fifteen dollars.

(j) Prisoners.

1. For each person committed to or discharged from prison, fifteen
dollars, in advance, to be paid by the person at whose instance he or
she is imprisoned.

2. For attending before an officer for the purpose of surrendering a
prisoner, or receiving into custody a prisoner surrendered, in
exoneration of his or her bail, fifteen dollars, for all his or her
services upon such a surrender or receipt.

(k) Jurors; view; constables' services.

1. For notifying jurors to attend upon a writ of inquiry, three
dollars for each juror notified, including the making and return of the
inquisition, when required; and for attending a jury when required in
such a case, thirty dollars.

2. For attending a view, fifteen dollars for each day.

3. For any services which may be rendered by a constable, other than
those specifically provided for in this section, section eight thousand
twelve or eight thousand thirteen of this article, to the same fees as
are allowed by law to a constable for those services.

* NB Effective March 13, 2025