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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Costs in consolidated, severed or removed action
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE 81
ยง 8104. Costs in consolidated, severed or removed action. Where two or
more actions are consolidated, costs shall be awarded in the
consolidated action as if it had been instituted as a single action,
unless the order of consolidation otherwise provides. Where an action is
severed into two or more actions, costs shall be awarded in each such
action as if it had been instituted as a separate action, unless the
order of severance otherwise provides. Where an action is removed,
except pursuant to subdivision (d) of section three hundred twenty-five
of this chapter, costs in the action shall be awarded as if it had been
instituted in the court to which it is removed, unless the order of
removal otherwise provides and as limited by section eighty-one hundred
two of this chapter. Where an action is removed pursuant to subdivision
(d) of section three hundred twenty-five of this chapter, costs in the
action shall be awarded as if it had remained in the court from which it
was removed, as limited by section eighty-one hundred two of this