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Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8


3101. Scope of disclosure.

(a) Generally.

(b) Privileged matter.

(c) Attorney's work product.

(d) Trial preparation.

(e) Party's statement.

(f) Contents of insurance agreement.

(g) Accident reports.

(h) Amendment or supplementation of responses.

3102. Method of obtaining disclosure.

(a) Disclosure devices.

(b) Stipulation or notice normal method.

(c) Before action commenced.

(d) After trial commenced.

(e) Action pending in another jurisdiction.

(f) Action to which state is party.

3103. Protective orders.

(a) Prevention of abuse.

(b) Suspension of disclosure pending application for

protective order.

(c) Suppression of information improperly obtained.

3104. Supervision of disclosure.

(a) Motion for, and extent of, supervision of


(b) Selection of referee.

(c) Powers of referee; motions referred to person

supervising disclosure.

(d) Review of order of referee.

(e) Payment of expenses of referee.

3105. Notice to party in default.

3106. Priority of depositions; witnesses; prisoners;

designation of deponent.

(a) Normal priority.

(b) Witnesses.

(c) Prisoners.

(d) Designation of deponent.

3107. Notice of taking oral questions.

3108. Written questions; when permitted.

3109. Notice of taking deposition on written questions.

(a) Notice of taking; service of questions and


(b) Officer asking written questions.

3110. Where the deposition is to be taken within the state.

3111. Production of things at the examination.

3112. Errors in notice for taking depositions.

3113. Conduct of the examination.

(a) Persons before whom depositions may be taken.

(b) Oath of witness; recording of testimony;

objections; continuous examination; written

questions read by examining officer.

(c) Examination and cross-examination.

3114. Examination of witness who does not understand the

English language.

3115. Objections to qualification of person taking

deposition; competency; questions and answers.

(a) Objection when deposition offered in evidence.

(b) Errors which might be obviated if made known


(c) Disqualification of person taking deposition.

(d) Competency of witnesses or admissibility of


(e) Form of written questions.

3116. Signing deposition; physical preparation; copies.

(a) Signing.

(b) Certification and filing by officer.

(c) Exhibits.

(d) Expenses of taking.

(e) Errors of officer or person transcribing.

3117. Use of depositions.

(a) Impeachment of witnesses; parties; unavailable


(b) Use of part of deposition.

(c) Substitution of parties; prior actions.

(d) Effect of using deposition.

3118. Demand for address of party or of person who possessed

an assigned cause of action or defense.

3119. Uniform interstate depositions and discovery.

(a) Definitions.

(b) Issuance of subpoena.

(c) Service of subpoena.

(d) Deposition, production and inspection.

(e) Application to court.

(f) Uniformity of application and construction.

3120. Discovery and production of documents and things for

inspection, testing, copying or photographing.

3121. Physical or mental examination.

(a) Notice of examination.

(b) Copy of report.

3122. Objection to disclosure, inspection or examination;


3122-a. Certification of business records.

3122-b. Certification of insurance disclosure.

3123. Admissions as to matters of fact, papers, documents

and photographs.

(a) Notice to admit; admission unless denied or

denial excused.

(b) Effect of admission.

(c) Penalty for unreasonable denial.

3124. Failure to disclose; motion to compel disclosure.

3125. Place where motion to compel disclosure made.

3126. Penalties for refusal to comply with order or to


3130. Use of interrogatories.

3131. Scope of interrogatories.

3132. Service of interrogatories.

3133. Service of answers or objections to interrogatories.

(a) Service of an answer or objection.

(b) Form of answers and objections to


(c) Amended answers.

3140. Disclosure of appraisals in proceedings for

condemnation, appropriation or review of tax
