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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Accelerated Judgment
Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) CHAPTER 8


3201. Confession of judgment before default on certain

installment contracts invalid.

3211. Motion to dismiss.

(a) Motion to dismiss cause of action.

(b) Motion to dismiss defense.

(c) Evidence permitted; immediate trial; motion treated

as one for summary judgment.

(d) Facts unavailable to opposing party.

(e) Number, time and waiver of objections; motion to

plead over.

(f) Extension of time to plead.

(g) Standards for motions to dismiss in certain cases

involving public petition and participation.

(h) Standards for motions to dismiss in certain cases

involving licensed architects, engineers, land

surveyors or landscape architects.

3212. Motion for summary judgment.

(a) Time; kind of action.

(b) Supporting proof; grounds; relief to either party.

(c) Immediate trial.

(e) Partial summary judgment; severance.

(f) Facts unavailable to opposing party.

(g) Limitation of issues of fact for trial.

(h) Standards for summary judgment in certain cases

involving public petition and participation.

(i) Standards for summary judgment in certain cases

involving licensed architects, engineers, land

surveyors or landscape architects.

3213. Motion for summary judgment in lieu of complaint.

3214. Motions heard by judge supervising disclosure; stay of


(a) Judge supervising disclosure.

(b) Stay of disclosure.

3215. Default judgment.

(a) Default and entry.

(b) Procedure before court.

(c) Default not entered within one year.

(d) Multiple defendants.

(e) Place of application to court.

(f) Proof.

(g) Notice.

(h) Judgment for excess where counterclaim interposed.

(i) Default judgment for failure to comply with

stipulation of settlement.

3216. Want of prosecution.

3217. Voluntary discontinuance.

(a) Without an order.

(b) By order of court.

(c) Effect of discontinuance.

3218. Judgment by confession.

(a) Affidavit of defendant.

(b) Entry of judgment.

(c) Execution where the judgment is not all due.

(d) Confession by joint debtors.

3219. Tender.

3220. Offer to liquidate damages conditionally.

3221. Offer to compromise.

3222. Action on submitted facts.

(a) Commencement.

(b) Subsequent proceedings.