Excused leave to donate blood
Civil Service (CVS) CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE 10
§ 159-d. Excused leave to donate blood. 1. Every public officer or
employee of this state shall be entitled to absent himself or herself
and shall be deemed to have a leave of absence from his or her duties or
service as such public officer or employee of this state, for a
sufficient period of time, not to exceed four hours on an annual basis,
to donate blood.
2. A supervisor of any such public officer or employee may require the
public officer or employee to provide written substantiation from a
donation center or entity coordinating donations that the public officer
or employee actually donated blood during the excused absence.
3. The entire period of the leave of absence granted pursuant to this
section shall be excused leave and shall not be charged against any
other leave such public officer or employee of this state is otherwise
entitled to.
employee of this state shall be entitled to absent himself or herself
and shall be deemed to have a leave of absence from his or her duties or
service as such public officer or employee of this state, for a
sufficient period of time, not to exceed four hours on an annual basis,
to donate blood.
2. A supervisor of any such public officer or employee may require the
public officer or employee to provide written substantiation from a
donation center or entity coordinating donations that the public officer
or employee actually donated blood during the excused absence.
3. The entire period of the leave of absence granted pursuant to this
section shall be excused leave and shall not be charged against any
other leave such public officer or employee of this state is otherwise
entitled to.