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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Compensation of officers and employees reinstated by court order
§ 77. Compensation of officers and employees reinstated by court
order. Any officer or employee who is removed from a position in the
service of the state or of any civil division thereof in violation of
the provisions of this chapter, and who thereafter is restored to such
position by order of the supreme court, shall be entitled to receive and
shall receive from the state or such civil division, as the case may be,
the salary or compensation which he would have been entitled by law to
have received in such position but for such unlawful removal, from the
date of such unlawful removal to the date of such restoration, less the
amount of any unemployment insurance benefits he may have received
during such period. Such officer or employee shall be entitled to a
court order to enforce the payment of such salary or compensation. Such
salary or compensation shall be subject to the provisions of sections
four hundred seventy-four and four hundred seventy-five of the judiciary
law for services rendered, but otherwise shall be paid only directly to
such officer or employee or his legal representatives.