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Acceptance of gifts, grants and loans
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 9
§ 115. Acceptance of gifts, grants and loans. 1. Whenever the United
States, or any agency or officer thereof, or any person, firm or
corporation, shall offer to the state or to any political subdivision
thereof, services, materials, facilities or funds for civil defense or
to aid the defense effort, the state, acting through the director of the
budget, or such political subdivision, acting through its chief
executive officer or governing body, may accept such offer and upon such
acceptance the director of the budget of the state or the chief
executive of such political subdivision may authorize any officer of the
state or political subdivision, as the case may be, to receive such
services, materials, facilities or funds on behalf of the state or such
political subdivision, subject to the terms of the offer and to the
rules and regulations, if any, of the offeror. In the event that any
federal law provides that any such services, materials, facilities or
funds shall be made available to political subdivisions subject to some
action by a state officer or agency, the director of the budget shall
have the power to take such action or to designate an appropriate
officer or agency of the state to do so.

2. Where an offer of services, materials, facilities or funds for
civil defense or to aid the defense effort, is made to the state and
where a political subdivision of the state, acting through its chief
executive officer or governing body, agrees to assume the obligations of
and comply with the terms of the offer and the rules and regulations, if
any, of the offeror, the director of the budget may accept such offer
and, if consistent therewith, (a) make or agree to make the services
available to such political subdivision, (b) authorize or agree to
authorize the acquisition of the materials or facilities pursuant to
section twenty-three-c of this act, on behalf of and for conveyance to
such political subdivision, or (c) approve or agree to approve the
transfer or payment of the funds to or on behalf of such political