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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Repealer; continuity of commission and local offices
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 9
§ 119. Repealer; continuity of commission and local offices. Article
sixteen of the executive law, as added by chapter six hundred ninety of
the laws of nineteen hundred fifty, is hereby repealed. The commission
and all local offices established pursuant to this act and all local
offices in existence on the date this act shall take effect shall,
subject to the provisions of this act, be deemed continuations of the
state civil defense commission and local offices established pursuant to
such former article sixteen of the executive law and such commission and
local offices are hereby continued. All appropriations and allocations
heretofore made available to the state civil defense commission and all
appropriations heretofore made by any political subdivision pursuant to
such article sixteen are hereby made available hereunder. All plans,
regulations, orders, and other actions taken and obligations incurred
pursuant to such article shall continue with full force and effect as
plans, regulations, orders, actions and obligations hereunder.