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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special provisions relating to cities of over one hundred thousand
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 3
§ 24. Special provisions relating to cities of over one hundred
thousand. In addition to the requirements of sections twenty-two and
twenty-three every city having a population of over hundred thousand

1. Recruit, train and equip shelter captains in a ratio based upon
maximum shelter occupancies available in the city to be approved by the
commission as consistent with reasonable requirements for the safety and
welfare of shelter occupants.

2. Organize and train an emergency mortuary service capable of dealing
effectively with conditions probable in the event of attack.

3. Designate, prepare and integrate emergency medical facilities,
including supply depots, emergency hospitals, clearing stations and
mobile medical units and recruit and train the medical staff required
for each such facility.

4. Install, maintain and operate a public warning system capable of
disseminating quickly throughout such city warnings established by the