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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Emergency measures to protect milk supply
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 4
§ 44. Emergency measures to protect milk supply. When in the opinion
of the commissioner of health a milk or cream supply has been so
contaminated as to be potentially dangerous to health or serious
curtailment of such a supply is threatened as a result of accident,
sabotage or enemy action, he is hereby authorized to embargo any part of
any such milk or cream supply pending investigation and, notwithstanding
any contrary provisions of law, to authorize the transfer of milk and
cream from one plant to another or from one political subdivision to
another for pasteurization, bottling or sale, and to waive or modify any
requirements, regulations or standards pertaining to or affecting the
production, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, resale
or distribution of milk and cream, or any operations or procedures
incident thereto until conditions warrant normal operation.