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The superintendent of financial services
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 7
§ 94. The superintendent of financial services. 1. During a period of
acute emergency affecting any area within this state, the superintendent
shall have power to call meetings of the superintendent of financial
services created by section thirteen of the banking law upon such period
of notice as he may deem appropriate in view of the condition of acute
emergency and the urgency of the business to be transacted at such
meeting. The superintendent shall give notice of such meeting by making
such reasonable efforts as in his judgment circumstances may permit to
notify each member of the superintendent of financial services of the
time and place of such meeting. Failure of any member of the
superintendent of financial services to receive actual notice of such a
meeting shall not affect the power of the members present thereat or the
superintendent to act as prescribed in subdivision two of this section.

2. At any meeting of the superintendent of financial services convened
during a period of acute emergency affecting any area within this state,
the members present, if three or more in number, may, by the vote of a
majority of such members present, take any action which the
superintendent of financial services is empowered to take pursuant to
the banking law. If less than three members shall appear pursuant to
notice given by the superintendent in accordance with subdivision one of
this section, the superintendent may by general or specific regulation,
directive or order, take any action which the superintendent of
financial services is empowered to take pursuant to the banking law.