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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Emergency by-laws
Defense Emergency Act 1951 784/51 (DEA) CHAPTER 784-51, ARTICLE 7-A
§ 97. Emergency by-laws. 1. With the approval of the superintendent,
any domestic organization may, at any time, adopt, in the same manner as
in the case of ordinary by-laws, emergency by-laws to become operative
during a period of acute emergency. Emergency by-laws may contain
provisions with respect to the number of directors capable of acting
which shall constitute its board, the number of such directors which
shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the board, the number of votes
necessary for action by such board, the manner in which vacancies on the
board shall be filled, the line of succession of its officers, and the
interim management of the affairs of the organization; such provisions,
if approved by the superintendent, need not comply with the requirements
of the charter of such domestic organization or of the general
corporation law, the stock corporation law, the business corporation
law, the membership corporation law and the insurance law.

2. Except as provided in subdivision two of section ninety-nine-a, the
provisions of subdivisions two through seven of section ninety-eight and
the subdivisions two and three of section ninety-nine shall not be
applicable, during a period of acute emergency, to any domestic
organization operating in accordance with emergency by-laws approved by
the superintendent to the extent that the procedures set forth in such
emergency by-laws relate to subject matter contained in subdivisions two
through seven of section ninety-eight.