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Twenty-four hour provision waived in certain cases
Domestic Relations (DOM) CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 3
* § 13-c. Twenty-four hour provision waived in certain cases. 1.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section thirteen-b of this chapter or
any other provision of law, where either of the parties making
application for a marriage license pursuant to section thirteen of this
chapter, is a member of the armed forces of the United States the
marriage of the parties may be solemnized without waiting for the lapse
of the twenty-four hour period required by section thirteen-b of this
chapter. Proof that the applicant is a member of the armed forces of
the United States shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the official
issuing the marriage license. Every license to marry issued pursuant to
the provisions of this section must state the day and hour the license
is issued and shall contain a recital that it is issued pursuant to the
provisions of this section and that the parties named therein may be
married at any time after such day and hour and within sixty days

2. The provisions of this section shall remain in force and effect
only until July first, nineteen hundred seventy-three.

* NB Expired July 1, 1973