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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Certified transcripts of records; state commissioner of health may furnish
Domestic Relations (DOM) CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 3
§ 20-a. Certified transcripts of records; state commissioner of health
may furnish. The state commissioner of health or person authorized by
him shall, upon request, supply to any applicant a certified transcript
of any marriage registered under the provisions of this article, unless
he is satisfied that the same does not appear to be necessary or
required for judicial or other proper purposes. Any transcript of the
record of a marriage, when properly certified by the state commissioner
of health or person authorized to act for him, shall be prima facie
evidence in all courts and places of the facts therein stated. For any
search of the files and records conducted for authorized research
purposes, the state commissioner of health shall be entitled to a fee of
twenty dollars for each hour or fractional part of an hour of time of
search, together with a fee of two dollars for each uncertified copy or
abstract of such marriage record requested by the applicant, said fees
to be paid by the applicant. Each applicant for a certified transcript
of a marriage record shall remit to the state commissioner of health a
fee of thirty dollars in payment for the search of the files and records
and the furnishing of a certified copy if such record is found or for a
certification that a search discloses no record of a marriage.