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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notice to persons outside state
Domestic Relations (DOM) CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 5-A, TITLE 1
§ 75-g. Notice to persons outside state. 1. Notice required for the
exercise of jurisdiction when a person is outside this state shall be
given in a manner prescribed by the law of this state for service of
process, as provided in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subdivision,
or by the law of the state in which the service is made, as provided in
paragraph (d) of this subdivision. Notice must be given in a manner
reasonably calculated to give actual notice. If a person cannot be
served with notice within the state, the court shall require that such
person be served in a manner reasonably calculated to give actual
notice, as follows:

(a) by personal delivery outside the state in the manner prescribed by
section three hundred thirteen of the civil practice law and rules; or

(b) by any form of mail requesting a receipt; or

(c) in such manner as the court, upon motion, directs, including
publication, if service is impracticable under paragraph (a) or (b) of
this subdivision; or

(d) in such manner as prescribed by the law of the state in which
service is made.

2. Proof of service outside the state shall be by affidavit of the
individual who made the service, or in the manner prescribed by the
order pursuant to which service is made. If service is made by mail,
proof may be by a receipt signed by the addressee or other evidence of
delivery to the addressee. Proof of service may also be in the manner
prescribed by the law of the state in which the service is made.

3. Notice is not required for the exercise of jurisdiction with
respect to a person who submits to the jurisdiction of the court.