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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Tunnels and bridges to form part of the plan
Development of Port of New York 43/22 (DPN) CHAPTER ROOT
ยง 3. Tunnels and bridges to form part of the plan. (a) A tunnel or
tunnels connecting the New Jersey shore and the Brooklyn shore of New
York to provide through line connection between the transcontinental
railroads now having their terminals in New Jersey with the Long Island
railroad and the New York connecting railroad on Long Island and with
the New York Central and Hudson River railroad and the New York, New
Haven and Hartford railroad in the Bronx, and to provide continuous
transportation of freight between the Queens, Brooklyn and Bronx
sections of the port to and from all parts of the westerly section of
the port, for all of the transcontinental railroads.

(b) A bridge and/or tunnel across or under the Arthur kill, and/or the
existing bridge enlarged, to provide direct freight carriage between New
Jersey and Staten Island.

(c) The location of all such tunnels or bridges to be at the shortest,
most accessible and most economical points practicable, taking account
of existing facilities now located within the port district and
providing for and taking account of all reasonably foreseeable future
growth in all parts of the district.