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This entry was published on 2022-03-04
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Students confined in certain facilities; responsibility for issuance of diplomas
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 3, PART 1
§ 112-a. Students confined in certain facilities; responsibility for
issuance of diplomas. 1. A person under twenty-one years of age who has
not received a high school diploma and who is placed with, committed to,
under the supervision of, detained or otherwise confined in any facility
operated or administered by a state department or agency or political
subdivision of the state which provides educational programs pursuant to
section one hundred twelve of this article, or who is confined in a
correctional facility, as defined in subdivision four of section two of
the correction law, and who participates in an educational program
provided by such facility, shall be issued a high school diploma by the
school district of location except when credit bearing educational
programming is provided by another school district. When credit bearing
educational programming is provided by another school district, that
district shall be responsible for issuing the high school diploma. The
school district responsible for issuing the diploma must determine if
such person has completed the minimum New York state diploma
requirements as set forth in the regulations of the commissioner while
placed with, committed to, under the supervision of, detained or
confined in such facility.

2. For purposes of this section the term "school district of location"
means the school district in which the facility where such youth is
placed, committed, supervised, detained or confined is located.