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This entry was published on 2017-08-18
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Distribution of funds
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 23-A
§ 1124. Distribution of funds. 1. Service centers for independent
living shall be funded out of appropriations available for such purposes
to the extent of the entire approved budget of such centers.

2. Budgets submitted by service centers shall be approved in
accordance with regulations of the commissioner, subject to approval of
the director of the budget.

3. Service centers shall be located in the cities of Albany, Buffalo,
Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, White Plains, Binghamton, Kingston,
Poughkeepsie, Jamestown, Yonkers, the counties of Queens, Kings, Nassau,
Bronx, Richmond, New York and Suffolk.

4. Additional service centers shall be located in the cities of
Niagara Falls, Olean, Troy, Amsterdam, Newburgh, Corning, Ithaca,
Cortland, Auburn, Watertown, Plattsburgh, Batavia, Massena and Glens
Falls, the counties of Delaware and Rockland, the county of Orange, in
either the city of Middletown or Port Jervis or in the town of Deerpark,
Greenville, Mount Hope, Warwick or Wawayanda or in the village of
Goshen, in the county of New York to serve the Harlem community, and in
the counties of Putnam, Sullivan and Herkimer.