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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Teacher's salary when payable
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 61
§ 3015. Teacher's salary when payable. 1. In school districts
employing fewer than eight teachers, the salary of any teacher so
employed shall be due and payable at least as often as once each
calendar month of the term of employment.

2. In school districts employing eight or more teachers, the salary of
a teacher employed for a full school year shall be due and payable
within such school year in not less than ten installments. If a teacher
is employed in any such district after July first in any school year,
the amount of the salary that the school authorities agree at the time
of employment to pay such teacher for the balance of that school year
shall be due and payable within the school year at least as often as
once each calendar month that he is so employed. Nothing contained in
this subdivision shall be construed to alter the provisions of sections
twenty-five hundred nine, twenty-five hundred seventy-three, three
thousand twelve, and three thousand thirteen of this chapter.

3. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to authorize
payment in advance of rendering service to the school district.