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General certification provisions
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 65, PART 1
§ 3215-a. General certification provisions. 1. Certificating
officials. Employment certificates or permits shall be issued by the
chancellor in the city school district of the city of New York, and by
the superintendent of schools in other school districts, provided that
the district superintendent of schools may issue such certificates or
permits for students attending classes operated by a board of
cooperative educational services, and the principal of a nonpublic
secondary school may issue such certificates or permits for students
attending such school. The chancellor in New York city, or elsewhere the
superintendent of schools or district superintendent of schools may
designate in writing the principal of the public school the minor
attends or last attended or other public school official to act as
certificating official in his stead. During the months of July and
August, and at other times in extraordinary circumstances and
emergencies, one or more public school officials shall be designated in
writing by the chancellor in New York city and elsewhere by the
superintendent or district superintendent to act as certificating
officials. The designation or authorization of certificating officials
in public schools shall be subject to such limitations or standards as
may be prescribed by the chancellor in New York city and elsewhere by
the superintendent or district superintendent.

2. Revocation. Employment certificates or permits may be revoked for
cause by the chancellor in New York city and elsewhere by the
superintendent of schools or the district superintendent of schools
within their respective jurisdictions, or, by a principal of a nonpublic
secondary school for a student attending such school. Where a student
who is required to attend school pursuant to section thirty-two hundred
five of this article has failed no less than four academic courses in
one semester, the chancellor in New York city, and elsewhere the
superintendent of schools or the district superintendent of schools
within their respective jurisdictions, or a principal of a nonpublic
secondary school may revoke such student's employment certificate or
permit. In determining whether to revoke an employment certificate or
permit, the chancellor in New York city, and elsewhere the
superintendent of schools or the district superintendent of schools
within their respective jurisdictions, or a principal of a nonpublic
secondary school, shall consider, (1) an evaluation of the student's
overall academic performance and past academic record; (2) an
examination of the student's attendance record; (3) the economic need of
the student's family for the income provided by the student; (4) the
willingness of the student to participate in a cooperative education
program, work study program, school to work program or any other
structured program which provides a student with an opportunity to earn
income while earning academic credit; (5) such other factors as the
aforementioned officials identify; and (6) any material submitted by the

Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, nothing in this section
shall be construed to prevent any student from obtaining an employment
certificate or permit for the purpose of working during the months of
July and August.

3. Approval of form and contents. The commissioner of education shall
prescribe or approve the form and contents of all certificates, permits,
physical examination records, and schooling records required by part one
of this article. The form of such certificates and permits shall also be
subject to the approval of the industrial commissioner.