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Procedure for issuance of employment certificates
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 65, PART 1
§ 3217. Procedure for issuance of employment certificates. 1. An
application for an employment certificate shall be made by a minor on a
form prescribed by the commissioner of education.

2. Before issuing an employment certificate the issuing official shall
require the minor to submit the following:

a. Evidence of age;

b. Written consent of the parent or guardian;

c. A certificate of physical fitness; and

d. If the application is for a full-time employment certificate, a
schooling record.

In addition, in a city or school district which, pursuant to section
thirty-two hundred five, subdivision three, of this article, requires
minors from sixteen to seventeen years of age who are not employed to
attend school, the certificating official shall require a minor applying
for a full-time employment certificate to submit the following:

a. A pledge of employment; and

b. A schooling record.