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Comprehensive school bus driver safety training program
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 73, PART 5
§ 3650. Comprehensive school bus driver safety training program. 1.
The commissioner, in consultation with the state comprehensive school
bus driver safety training council and subject to appropriation by the
legislature, shall:

a. Develop a uniform and comprehensive school bus driver safety
training program for school bus drivers transporting students to and
from school by school bus including instruction to such school bus
drivers concerning the latest safety techniques using the latest
instructional materials.

b. Include within the safety training program the development of
curriculum and training materials including a school bus driver safety
training manual.

c. Develop and conduct professional development school bus driver
safety training seminars statewide.

d. Establish and maintain a data base containing data relative to
school bus accidents and fatalities reported within the state.

e. Engage the services of consultants on a contract basis for
rendering professional and tactical assistance.

f. Award and distribute grants, following appropriation by the
legislature which appropriation may include funds of the school bus
motorist education fund established pursuant to section eighty-nine-j of
the state finance law, for the study of issues involving the illegal
passing of stopped school buses, the development of proposals to reduce
the number of motorists passing school buses in violation of section
eleven hundred seventy-four of the vehicle and traffic law, and to
promote school bus safety.

2. The commissioner, in consultation with the justice center for the
protection of people with special needs, shall promulgate rules and
regulations requiring every school bus driver operating a school bus
which has or will have one or more students with a disability as
passengers to receive training and instruction relating to the
understanding of, and attention to, the special needs of such students.
Such training and instruction may be included with the training and
instruction required pursuant to paragraph a of subdivision one of this
section and shall be provided at least once per year or more frequently
as determined by the commissioner in consultation with the state
comprehensive school bus driver safety training council. For the
purposes of this subdivision, the term "student with a disability" shall
have the same meaning as such term is defined in subdivision one of
section forty-four hundred one of this chapter. Any person employed as a
school bus driver on January first, two thousand nine who is subject to
the provisions of this subdivision shall comply with the requirements of
this subdivision by July first, two thousand nine. Any school bus driver
hired after January first, two thousand nine who is subject to the
requirements of this subdivision shall complete such training and
instruction prior to assuming his or her duties.