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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Payment of costs, charges and expenses by vote of district meeting
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 77
§ 3812. Payment of costs, charges and expenses by vote of district
meeting. 1. Whenever the trustees or board of education or any school
district officer shall have brought or defended any such action or
proceeding, without any such resolution of the district meeting, and
after the final determination of such suit or proceeding, shall present
to any regular meeting of the inhabitants of the district, an account,
in writing, of all costs, charges and expenses paid by him or them, with
the items thereof, and verified by his or their oath or affirmation, and
a majority of the voters at such meeting shall so direct, it shall be
the duty of the trustees to cause the same to be assessed upon and
collected of the taxable property of said district, in the same manner
as other taxes are by law assessed and collected; and, when so
collected, the same shall be paid over, by an order upon the collector
or treasurer to the officers entitled to receive the same.

2. The provision of subdivision one of this section shall not extend
to suits for penalties, nor to suits or proceedings to enforce the
decisions of the commissioner of education.