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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Emergency alert notification system in public schools; cities with a population of one million or more
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 9
§ 409-j. Emergency alert notification system in public schools; cities
with a population of one million or more. On or before January first,
two thousand ten, a city school district located in a city of one
million or more inhabitants shall, pursuant to rules and regulations
promulgated by the chancellor of such city school district and
consistent with section twenty-eight hundred one-a of this chapter,
implement an emergency alert notification system to convey timely
information concerning emergency incidents or occurrences, as defined by
such chancellor, that pose an imminent threat to the health or safety of
a substantial number of students, faculty and staff at a particular
educational facility or program. Such emergency alert notification
system shall employ a variety of communication methods including the
automated delivery of text messages, phone calls and/or electronic mail
and shall notify and advise parents or persons in parental relation,
faculty, staff, and elected representatives, who volunteer to receive
emergency alert notifications.