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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Maximum temperatures in school buildings and facilities
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 9
* § 409-n. Maximum temperatures in school buildings and facilities.
All common, union free, central, central high schools, city school
districts and boards of cooperative educational services shall develop a
policy for ensuring the health and safety of students, faculty, and
other employees, on extreme heat condition days. For the purpose of this
section, extreme heat condition days shall be defined as days when the
occupiable educational and support services spaces are found to be
eighty-two degrees or greater Fahrenheit. For the purpose of this
section, support services spaces shall not include kitchen areas used in
the preparation of food for consumption by students. For the purpose of
this section, room temperature shall be measured at a shaded location,
three feet above the floor near the center of the room. Schools shall be
required to take action to relieve heat-related discomfort when the
occupied space temperature reaches eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit. These
actions may include, but are not limited to, turning off the overhead
lights, pulling down shades or blinds, turning on fans, opening
classroom doors and windows to increase circulation, turning off unused
electronics that produce heat, and providing water breaks. Such policy
shall include a plan to remove students and staff from occupied spaces
where practicable when educational and support services spaces reach
eighty-eight degrees Fahrenheit.

* NB Effective September 1, 2025