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School district contribution and state reimbursement
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 85
§ 4204-b. School district contribution and state reimbursement. 1. For
the two thousand twelve--two thousand thirteen and prior school years,
the school district of which any such child is resident at the time of
admission or readmission to any of the institutions or facilities
subject to this article shall be required to reimburse the state on
account of any expenditure made by the state for any such child
initially appointed by the commissioner to such institution or facility
after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-seven in an amount equal
to the school district basic contribution defined in subdivision eight
of section forty-four hundred one of this title, except that for the two
thousand eleven--two thousand twelve and two thousand twelve--two
thousand thirteen school years, such school district shall be
responsible for reimbursing the state in an amount equal to the positive
difference of the school district basic contribution minus the tuition
paid by such school district pursuant to section forty-two hundred four
or forty-two hundred seven of this article.

2. For the two thousand thirteen--two thousand fourteen school year
and thereafter, the child's current school district of residence shall
be required to reimburse the state on account of any expenditure made by
the state for any such child in an amount equal to the positive
difference of the school district basic contribution minus the tuition
paid by such school district pursuant to section forty-two hundred four
or forty-two hundred seven of this article.

3. The state comptroller may deduct from any state funds which become
due to a school district for each year in which such child was in
attendance at such institution or facility an amount equal to the
reimbursement required to be made by such school district in accordance
with this section, and the amount so deducted shall not be included in
the operating expense of such district for the purposes of computing the
approved operating expense pursuant to paragraph t of subdivision one of
section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter.

4. The state shall reimburse the school district of which any such
child is resident at the time of admission or readmission to any of the
institutions subject to this article for tuition paid to the institution
in an amount equal to the positive difference between the amount of such
tuition and the school district basic contribution. Such state
reimbursement to the school district shall not be paid prior to April
first of the school year in which such tuition costs are paid by the
school district. The tuition incurred through December thirty-first of
such school year shall be payable prior to June thirtieth of such school
year, provided that a claim is submitted on or before June first.