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Superintendent and other personnel
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 88
§ 4354. Superintendent and other personnel. 1. The chief executive
officer of such school shall be a superintendent who shall be in the
unclassified service and who shall be appointed by the board of regents
upon the recommendation of commissioner of education. Such
superintendent shall serve at the pleasure of the board of regents.
Except as hereinafter provided, such superintendent shall have the
supervision and management of the school, shall recommend the
appointment and removal of subordinate officers, teachers and employees
thereof, prescribe their duties and perform all of the duties and
exercise the powers and duties prescribed for such superintendent of
schools by law or by the rules of the board of regents.

2. The commissioner shall, subject to the approval of the director of
the budget, determine the amount to be deducted from the salaries of
employees for the maintenance provided for such personnel in the school.

3. The commissioner of education shall have power, in conformity with
regulations approved by the regents, to appoint all other needed
officers and employees and determine their duties. The commissioner
shall by regulations approved as aforesaid, establish for positions in
the unclassified service in such department as certified by him pursuant
to section thirty-five of the civil service law, suitable personnel
procedures and conditions of employment including:

a. A classification plan which shall include titles, duties and
minimum qualifications.

b. A salary plan which shall include minimum and maximum salaries and
increments and procedures for adjustment of salaries on appointment,
promotion and reassignment.

c. Regulations for appointments, promotions, probation, permanent
tenure, disciplinary action and attendance.

d. Such other rules and regulations as may be necessary for carrying
out the provisions of this section.

The regulations establishing such salary plan shall be subject to the
approval of the director of the budget.