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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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New York city educational construction fund
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 10
§ 453. New York city educational construction fund. * 1. There is
hereby created the "New York city educational construction fund." The
fund shall be a corporate governmental agency constituting a public
benefit corporation. The board of trustees of the fund is hereby
continued. It shall consist of the chancellor of the city school
district of the city of New York, who shall be chair, and two trustees
appointed by the mayor who shall each serve at the pleasure of the

* NB Effective until June 30, 2026

* 1. There is hereby created the "New York city educational
construction fund." The fund shall be a corporate governmental agency
constituting a public benefit corporation. The board of trustees of the
fund is hereby continued. It shall consist of the chancellor of the city
school district of the city of New York, the president of the interim
board of education or of the board of education, who shall be chairman,
and one trustee appointed by the mayor who shall serve a term
coterminous with that of the mayor.

* NB Effective June 30, 2026

2. The trustees of the fund shall serve without salary, but each
trustee shall be entitled to reimbursement for his actual and necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of his official duties.

3. The trustees of the fund may engage in private employment, or in a
profession or business, subject to the limitations contained in article
eighteen of the general municipal law. The fund shall, for the purposes
of such article, be a "municipal agency", and the trustees thereof shall
be "officers" of the agency.

4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, general,
special or local, no officer or employee of the state, or of any civil
division thereof, shall be deemed to have forfeited or shall forfeit his
office or employment by reason of his acceptance of appointment as a
trustee, officer or agent of the fund; provided, however, that a
trustee, officer or agent who holds such other public office or
employment shall receive no additional compensation, fee or allowance
for services rendered pursuant to this article, but shall be entitled to
reimbursement for his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the
performance of such services.

5. Any trustee may be removed by the commissioner of education for
cause shown after having been given notice of the charge and an
opportunity of defense, in the manner provided in this chapter for the
removal of members of boards of education of city school districts.

6. The chairman of the fund shall preside over all meetings of the
trustees and shall have such other duties as the trustees may direct. A
vice-chairman who shall preside over all meetings of the fund in the
absence of the chairman and who shall have such other duties as the
trustees may direct may be designated from time to time by the trustees
from among the other trustees.

7. The powers of the fund shall be vested in and exercised by no less
than two of the trustees then in office. The fund may delegate to one or
more of its trustees, or officers, agents or employees, such powers and
duties as the trustees may deem proper, provided, however, that all
contracts involving an estimated expense of ten thousand dollars or more
and all leases, subleases or other agreements to be entered into
pursuant to this article shall be approved prior to execution by no less
than two trustees of the fund.

8. The fund may appoint such officers, employees and agents as it may
deem advisable and may prescribe their duties and fix their