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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Board of managers
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 95
§ 4703. Board of managers. The board of managers of such school shall
consist of not less than five members and shall be composed of all the
city, village and district superintendents of schools of the county in
which it is located, in addition to such other members as may be
necessary to make a total membership of such board of not less than
five. Such additional members of the board shall be appointed by the
board of supervisors or other governing elective body from the resident
taxpayers of the county, who shall serve for terms of four years
commencing on the first day of January succeeding their appointment.
Such terms shall be so arranged that the terms of no two of the members
so appointed shall expire in the same year, and for this purpose the
terms of the members first appointed hereunder shall be as follows: In
case one member shall be appointed, the term shall be four years, in
case two members shall be appointed, the terms shall be four and two
years, respectively, in case three members shall be appointed, the terms
shall be four, three and two years, and in case four members shall be
appointed, the terms shall be four, three, two and one year,
respectively, which terms shall commence on the first day of January
succeeding their appointment, and their successors shall be appointed
for full terms of four years as above provided. Appointments to fill
vacancies shall be for the unexpired portion of the terms. The members
of the board shall serve without compensation. They shall receive their
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The
amount of such expenses shall be charged against the county and shall be
paid in the same manner as other county charges. The board shall
organize by the election of one of its members as chairman and another
as secretary.