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Advisory council
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 6, ARTICLE 101
§ 5010. Advisory council. 1. An advisory council for licensed private
career schools is hereby created for the purpose of advising the board
of regents and the commissioner as provided herein. The council shall be
composed of eleven members appointed by the governor, two of whom shall
be upon the recommendation of the temporary president of the senate, two
of whom shall be upon the recommendation of the speaker of the assembly,
one of whom shall be upon the recommendation of the minority leader of
the senate and one of whom shall be upon the recommendation of the
minority leader of the assembly. Of the five remaining members, one
shall be an owner or director of a school regulated pursuant to this
article, and one shall be a student advocate. The governor shall
designate a chairperson from such members. The commissioner, the
president of the higher education services corporation, the secretary of
state, the comptroller, the director of the division of the budget, and
the executive director of the job training partnership council, or their
designees, shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the council.

2. The council shall meet no less than four times a year. Members of
the council shall receive no compensation for their services but shall
be reimbursed for reasonable expenses actually and necessarily incurred
by them in the performance of their duties. Council member terms of
office shall be limited to three years, provided that members may be
reappointed. All appointments to the council to fill vacancies in
existence on the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two
thousand twelve which amended this subdivision shall be made within
ninety days of such effective date.

3. The council shall advise the commissioner on such matters as the
council determines are appropriate.