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Retirement system
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 11
§ 502. Retirement system. 1. The "New York state teachers' retirement
system" is hereby continued.

2. Such retirement system shall have the powers and privileges of a
corporation, and under its corporate name, or in the name of its
nominees, all of its business shall be transacted, all funds invested,
all warrants for money drawn and payments made, and all cash and
securities and other property shall be held.

3. In accordance with paragraph two of subsection a of section four
hundred one of the Internal Revenue Code, it shall be impossible at any
time prior to the satisfaction of the retirement system's liabilities to
its members and their beneficiaries under law, for any part of the
assets of the retirement system, or income thereon, to be (within any
taxable year or thereafter) used for, or diverted to, purposes other
than for the exclusive benefit of the members of the retirement system
or their beneficiaries.