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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Duties of employer
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 11
§ 520. Duties of employer. 1. Each employer shall keep such records
and from time to time shall furnish such information as the retirement
board in the discharge of its duties may require.

2. a. Upon the employment of any teacher to whom this article may
apply, he shall be informed by his employer of his duties and
obligations in connection with the retirement system as a condition of
his employment. Every teacher accepting employment shall be deemed to
consent and agree to any deductions from his compensation required
herein and to all other provisions of this article.

b. Upon the employment of any teacher whose right to membership in the
system has been made optional by the retirement board pursuant to
subdivision two of section five hundred three of this article the
employer shall inform such teacher in writing of the right to join the
system. Each such teacher shall acknowledge the receipt of such notice
by signing a copy thereof and filing it with such employer. Provided,
however, the failure to inform such teacher shall not in any way be
construed to waive the requirement that membership for such a teacher
commences only when an application for membership is filed with the
system nor shall it be construed to waive any of the eligibility
requirements for previous service credit.

3. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation affecting the
salary, pay, compensation, other prerequisites or tenure of any teacher
to whom this article applies, or shall apply, and notwithstanding that
the minimum salary, pay, compensation or other prerequisites, provided
by law for such teacher shall be reduced thereby, payment less said
deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all
claims and demands whatsoever for service rendered by such member during
the period covered by such payment.

4. During September of each year, or at such other times as the
retirement board shall approve, each employer shall certify to the
retirement board the names of all teachers to whom this article applies.

5. Each employer shall on the first day of each calendar month or at
such less frequent intervals as the retirement board may approve, notify
the retirement board of the employment of new teachers, removals,
withdrawals and changes in salary of members that shall have occurred
during the month preceding or the period covered since the last