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World trade center memorial scholarships
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 13
§ 608. World trade center memorial scholarships. 1. Notwithstanding
subdivisions three and five of section six hundred sixty-one of this
title, children, spouses and financial dependents of innocent victims
who have died or have been severely and permanently disabled, or those
innocent victims who have become severely and permanently disabled as a
direct result of an injury sustained in the impact area of the September
eleventh, two thousand one attack on the United States of America, shall
be eligible to receive a scholarship in an annual amount determined
pursuant to subdivision two of section six hundred sixty-eight-d of this
title. The attack on the United States of America shall consist of the
attack on the world trade center, the attack on the Pentagon and the
hijackings and crashes of United Airlines flights 93 and 175 and
American Airlines flights 11 and 77.

2. Awards under this section shall be payable for each of not more
than four academic years of undergraduate study or five academic years
if a program normally requires five years, as defined by the
commissioner pursuant to this article.