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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Regents awards for children of deceased and disabled veterans
§ 668. Regents awards for children of deceased and disabled veterans.
1. Period of military service. For a student to be eligible, the
parent, or step-parent where the student is the dependent of the
step-parent, (i) must have been a recipient of the armed forces
expeditionary medal, the navy expeditionary medal or the marine corps
expeditionary medal for participation in operations in Lebanon from June
first, nineteen hundred eighty-three to December first, nineteen hundred
eighty-seven, in Grenada from October twenty-third, nineteen hundred
eighty-three to November twenty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, or
in Panama from December twentieth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine to
January thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety, or (ii) must have served
on regular active duty (other than for training) in the armed forces of
the United States during part of one of the following periods:

(a) April sixth, nineteen hundred seventeen to November eleven,
nineteen hundred eighteen.

(b) December seven, nineteen hundred forty-one to December thirty-one,
nineteen hundred forty-six, or have been employed by the War Shipping
Administration or Office of Defense Transportation or their agents as a
merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast Guard or
Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the United
States Army Transport Service (later redesignated as the United States
Army Transportation Corps, Water Division) or the Naval Transportation
Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the
period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one,
to August fifteenth, nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard merchant
vessels in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service
as such terms are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and
further to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and
Canada, Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels
in oceangoing service or foreign waters and who has received a
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge
certificate, or an Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty,
from the Department of Defense or have served as a United States
civilian employed by the American Field Service and served overseas
under United States Armies and United States Army Groups in world war II
during the period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred
forty-one through May eighth, nineteen hundred forty-five, and who (i)
was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or (ii)
has a qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the veterans'
services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
service, or have served as a United States civilian Flight Crew and
Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World Airways or one of
its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a result of
Pan American's contract with Air Transport Command or Naval Air
Transport Service during the period of armed conflict, December
fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth,
nineteen hundred forty-five, and who (iv) was discharged or released
therefrom under honorable conditions, or (v) has a qualifying condition,
as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
service, or (vi) is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section one
of the veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other than
bad conduct or dishonorable from such service.

(c) June twenty-seven, nineteen hundred fifty to January thirty-one,
nineteen hundred fifty-five.

(d) November first, nineteen hundred fifty-five to May seventh,
nineteen hundred seventy-five.

(e) August two, nineteen hundred ninety to the end of hostilities in
the Persian Gulf conflict.

(f) From September eighteenth, two thousand one until the end of the
United States military efforts in Afghanistan.

(g) From October sixteenth, two thousand two until the end of the
United States military efforts in Iraq.

2. Eligible groups. Awards shall be made to students each of whom has
a parent with such service, or a step-parent with such service where the
student is the dependent of the step-parent even if the student's
biological parent is still living, who:

(a) was a legal resident of New York state at the time of his or her
demise and who died or die while so serving, or as a result of injury or
illness suffered or incurred during such military service; or

* (b) (i) is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States or
member of the armed forces of the United States, or (ii) has a
qualifying condition, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the
executive law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
as defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
service, who is a resident of the state of New York, and who has a
current disability of forty percent or more as a result of an injury or
illness which is incurred or was incurred during such military service;

* NB Effective until April 1, 2023

* (b) (i) is an honorably discharged veteran of the United States or
member of the armed forces of the United States, or (ii) has a
qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the veterans'
services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
service, who is a resident of the state of New York, and who has a
current disability of forty percent or more as a result of an injury or
illness which is incurred or was incurred during such military service;

* NB Effective April 1, 2023

(c) is now deceased, who was a resident of this state at the time of
his or her demise, and who at the time of his or her demise had a
disability to a degree of forty percent or more as a result of an injury
or illness which was incurred during such military service; or

(d) is classified as a former prisoner of war, or as missing in
action, who has been so classified by the United States department of
defense, and who is a resident of the state of New York if a former
prisoner of war or was a resident of the state of New York when
classified as missing in action.

3. Determinations of disability. Determinations concerning disability
or death by the United States Administrator of Veterans Affairs or the
separate branches of the armed forces of the United States shall be

4. Amount and duration. Every recipient shall receive an annual award
of four hundred fifty dollars for each of not more than four academic
years, or five academic years if the recipient is enrolled in a program
normally requiring five years, as defined by the commissioner, pursuant
to article thirteen.