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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Awards for Vietnam veterans' children born with Spina Bifida enrolled in approved undergraduate or graduate programs at degree granting i...
§ 668-c. Awards for Vietnam veterans' children born with Spina Bifida
enrolled in approved undergraduate or graduate programs at degree
granting institutions. 1. Eligible students. Awards shall be made to
Vietnam veterans' resident children born with Spina Bifida enrolled in
approved undergraduate or graduate programs at degree granting
institutions. For the purpose of this section, "Vietnam veteran" shall
mean a person who served in Indochina at any time from the first day of
November, nineteen hundred fifty-five, to and including the seventh day
of May, nineteen hundred seventy-five and (a) was honorably discharged
from the armed forces of the United States, or (b) has a qualifying
condition, as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and
has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from the
armed forces of the United States, or (c) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from the
armed forces of the United States; "born with Spina Bifida" shall mean a
diagnosis at birth of such disease inclusive of all forms,
manifestations, complications and associated medical conditions thereof,
but shall not include Spina Bifida Occulta. Such diagnosis shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the federal Spina Bifida program and
shall be documented by the United States Administration of Veterans'

2. Amount and duration. Every recipient shall receive an annual award
of four hundred fifty dollars for each of not more than four academic
years of undergraduate study or five academic years if a program
normally requires five years, as defined by the commissioner pursuant to
article thirteen of this chapter.