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Regents professional education in nursing scholarships
§ 671. Regents professional education in nursing scholarships. 1.
Number and certification. Eight hundred regents professional education
in nursing scholarships shall be awarded each year. Such scholarships
shall be allocated as provided in article thirteen to eligible students
as certified to the president by the commissioner.

2. Duration. Each such scholarship shall entitle the recipient to an
annual award for each year while enrolled in an approved course of study
leading to registration as a professional nurse, but not exceeding the
normal period of study required to complete the requirements for the
program, as such approved courses and normal periods of study are
defined by the commissioner pursuant to article thirteen.

3. Amount. The president shall make awards in the following amounts:

(a) The annual award shall be five hundred dollars, but if the income
exceeds one thousand eight hundred dollars, the award shall be reduced
by one dollar for each ten dollars, or part thereof, of the excess. The
minimum award shall be two hundred dollars. If the annual amount of
tuition and educational fees payable by the student is more than three
hundred fifty dollars, the award shall not exceed the amount of such
tuition and fees; if the amount of such tuition and educational fees is
three hundred fifty dollars, or less, the award shall not exceed three
hundred fifty dollars.

(b) The annual award for any scholarship awarded pursuant to this
section and effective subsequent to the nineteen hundred
seventy-three--nineteen hundred seventy-four school year shall be two
hundred fifty dollars. Provided, however, in the case of any student
who has received an award effective with the nineteen hundred
seventy-four--nineteen hundred seventy-five school year, if the award of
two hundred fifty dollars when combined with any award made pursuant to
the provisions of subdivision four of section six hundred sixty-seven of
this article would be less than the total of the combined awards he
might otherwise be entitled to receive pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph (a) of this subdivision and of subdivision three of section
six hundred sixty-seven, he shall be entitled to receive the combined
amount computed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this
subdivision and of subdivision three of section six hundred sixty-seven.