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This entry was published on 2024-07-12
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Expanding access to advanced courses to improve educational equity
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 17
* § 817. Expanding access to advanced courses to improve educational
equity. 1. Each school district and charter school shall annually
provide notification to parents and students of the benefits and the
opportunities within the district or charter school of participating in
advanced courses.

2. Such notification shall include:

a. the benefits of participating in advanced courses;

b. a description of the advanced courses offered by the school
district or charter school in middle and high school and how to prepare
for and enroll in them;

c. a description of the advanced courses to be offered by the school
district or charter school in the following school year; and

d. a description of the academic and non-academic support the school
district or charter school provides to help students succeed in advanced
courses, as well as any financial assistance available to reduce or
eliminate any costs associated with participation in advanced courses,
including but not limited to related fees, supplies, and assessments.

3. Notification shall be provided electronically or by mail and be
posted on the website of the school district or charter school.

* NB There are 2 § 817's