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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Medical examinations of teachers and other employees
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 1, ARTICLE 19
§ 913. Medical examinations of teachers and other employees. In order
to safeguard the health of children attending the public schools, the
board of education or trustees of any school district or a board of
cooperative educational services shall be empowered to require any
person employed by the board of education or trustees or board of
cooperative educational services to submit to a medical examination by a
physician or other health care provider of his or her choice or the
director of school health services of the board of education or trustees
or board of cooperative educational services, in order to determine the
physical or mental capacity of such person to perform his or her duties.
The person required to submit to such medical examination shall be
entitled to be accompanied by a physician or other person of his or her
choice. The determination based upon such examination as to the physical
or mental capacity of such person to perform his or her duties shall be
reported to the board of education or trustees or board of cooperative
educational services and may be referred to and considered for the
evaluation of service of the person examined or for disability