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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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City University of New York
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 7

Section 6201. Legislative findings and intent.

6202. Definitions.

6203. City university of New York.

6204. Board of trustees.

6204-a. College opportunity to prepare for employment.

6205. Liability of board of trustees and liability of city

university of New York.

6206. Powers and duties.

6207. Administration of civil service.

6208. Collective negotiation.

6209. Investments in designated obligations; indemnification.

6210. Non-Instructional positions.

6211. College presidents emeriti; appointments, duties,

qualifications, salary.

6212. Tenure.

6213. Establishment of collegiate centers.

6214. Retirement systems.

6215. Fees.

6216. State aid.

6218. Contracts and purchases.

6219. Conveyance of property.

6220. Salary schedules in certain public institutions of

higher learning.

6221. Financing of the city university of New York.

6222. Admission of non-residents of the city of New York to

each community college of the city university.

6223. Deferred education payments.

6224. Claims against city university.

6225. Pending actions and proceedings.

6226. Community college severance provisions.

6227. Reference in provisions relating to retirement.

6228. Transitory provisions.

6229. City university of New York community college budget


6230. City university of New York senior college budget


6231. Certain payment by the state of New York to the city of

New York.

6232. College of Staten Island, New York city technical

college and Medgar Evers college programs.

6233. Reports of the city university trustees.

6233-a. Master capital plan.

6234. Perfection of security interests.