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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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General Provisions
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 73

Section 3601. When apportioned and how applied.

3602. Apportionment of public moneys to school districts

employing eight or more teachers.

3602-b. Apportionment of moneys to school districts employing

fewer than eight teachers.

3602-c. Apportionment of moneys to school districts for the

provision of services to pupils attending nonpublic


3602-d. Work-prep education program.

3602-e. Universal prekindergarten program.

3602-ee. Statewide universal full-day pre-kindergarten program.

3602-f. Apportionment of moneys to school districts that result

from the partitioning of territory and formation of

new school districts by district superintendents.

3604. Conditions under which districts are entitled to


3606. Nonresident academic attendance; manner of certifying

and paying apportionment.

3607. Manner of payment of moneys apportioned.

3608. Certificate of apportionment by commissioner of


3609-a. Moneys apportioned, when and how payable commencing

July first, two thousand seven.

3609-b. Moneys apportioned for students with disabilities, when

and how payable.

3609-d. Moneys apportioned for board of cooperative educational

services aidable expenditures when and how payable

commencing July first, two thousand four.

3609-e. School tax relief aid, when and how payable commencing

July first, nineteen hundred ninety-eight.

3609-f. Moneys apportioned to school districts for lottery

grants pursuant to subparagraph two-a of paragraph b

of subdivision four of section ninety-two-c of the

state finance law, when and how payable commencing

July first, two thousand seven.

3609-g. Moneys apportioned to school districts for

reimbursement of article twenty-three of the tax law

payments commencing in the 2009-2010 school year.

3609-h. Moneys apportioned to school districts for commercial

gaming grants pursuant to subdivision six of section

ninety-seven-nnnn of the state finance law, when and

how payable commencing July first, two thousand


3610. Apportionment for apprenticeship training.

3611. Racial and cultural awareness fund.

3612. Teachers of tomorrow teacher recruitment and retention


3613. School district reorganizations and real property tax
