School District Organization
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16
Article 31. School districts (§§ 1501--1527-c).
32. Filing of expenditure statements by candidates for
membership on board of education (§§ 1528-1531).
33. Common school districts (§§ 1601-1619).
35. Union free school districts (§§ 1701-1726).
37. Central school districts (§§ 1801-1809).
39. Central high school districts (§§ 1901--1917-a).
40. Boards of cooperative educational services (§§ 1950-1952).
40-A. Shared personnel (§§ 1980-1981).
41. District meetings (§§ 2001-2045).
Part I-General provisions (§§ 2001-2038).
Part II-Contract system (§§ 2040-2045).
Part III-Professional services providers (§§ 2050-2054).
43. School district officers-town and county officials
(§§ 2101-2143).
Part I-General provisions (§§ 2101-2119).
Part II-District clerk; treasurer; collector
(§§ 2121-2130).
Part III-Town and county officials (§§ 2140-2143).
45. Supervisory districts (§§ 2201-2218).
51. City school districts of cities with less than one hundred
twenty-five thousand inhabitants (§§ 2501-2530).
52. City school districts of cities with one hundred
twenty-five thousand inhabitants or more (§§ 2550-2588).
52-A. New York city community school district system
(§§ 2590--2590-s).
53. School elections in city school districts of cities with
less than one hundred twenty-five thousand inhabitants
(§§ 2601-2613).
55. Regulation by boards of education of conduct on school
district property (§§ 2801-2814).
56. Charter schools (§§ 2850-2857).
Article 31. School districts (§§ 1501--1527-c).
32. Filing of expenditure statements by candidates for
membership on board of education (§§ 1528-1531).
33. Common school districts (§§ 1601-1619).
35. Union free school districts (§§ 1701-1726).
37. Central school districts (§§ 1801-1809).
39. Central high school districts (§§ 1901--1917-a).
40. Boards of cooperative educational services (§§ 1950-1952).
40-A. Shared personnel (§§ 1980-1981).
41. District meetings (§§ 2001-2045).
Part I-General provisions (§§ 2001-2038).
Part II-Contract system (§§ 2040-2045).
Part III-Professional services providers (§§ 2050-2054).
43. School district officers-town and county officials
(§§ 2101-2143).
Part I-General provisions (§§ 2101-2119).
Part II-District clerk; treasurer; collector
(§§ 2121-2130).
Part III-Town and county officials (§§ 2140-2143).
45. Supervisory districts (§§ 2201-2218).
51. City school districts of cities with less than one hundred
twenty-five thousand inhabitants (§§ 2501-2530).
52. City school districts of cities with one hundred
twenty-five thousand inhabitants or more (§§ 2550-2588).
52-A. New York city community school district system
(§§ 2590--2590-s).
53. School elections in city school districts of cities with
less than one hundred twenty-five thousand inhabitants
(§§ 2601-2613).
55. Regulation by boards of education of conduct on school
district property (§§ 2801-2814).
56. Charter schools (§§ 2850-2857).