The Professions
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16
Article 130*. General provisions (§§ 6500-6516).
131. Medicine (§§ 6520-6529).
131-A. Definitions of professional misconduct applicable to
physicians, physician's assistants and specialist's
assistants (§§ 6530-6532).
131-B. Physician assistants and specialist assistants
(§§ 6540-6548).
132. Chiropractic (§§ 6550-6556).
133. Dentistry, dental hygiene, and registered dental
assisting (§§ 6600-6613).
134. Licensed perfusionists (§§ 6630-6636).
135. Veterinary medicine and animal health technology
(§§ 6700-6714).
136. Physical therapy and physical therapist assistants
(§§ 6730-6743).
137. Pharmacy (§§ 6800-6831).
139. Nursing (§§ 6900-6911).
140. Professional midwifery practice act (§§ 6950-6958).
141. Podiatry (§§ 7000-7010).
143. Optometry (§§ 7100-7107).
144. Ophthalmic dispensing (§§ 7120-7128).
145. Engineering and land surveying (§§ 7200-7212).
147. Architecture (§§ 7300-7308).
148. Landscape architecture (§§ 7320-7328).
149. Public accountancy (§§ 7400-7409).
151. Shorthand reporting (§§ 7500-7504).
153. Psychology (§§ 7600-7606).
154. Social work (§§ 7700-7710).
155. Massage therapy (§§ 7800-7806).
156. Occupational therapy (§§ 7900-7908).
157. Dietetics and nutrition (§§ 8000-8006).
159. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists
(§§ 8200-8209).
160. Acupuncture (§§ 8210-8216).
161. Interior design (§§ 8300-8307).
162. Athletic trainers (§§ 8350-8358).
163. Mental health practitioners (§§ 8400-8412).
164. Respiratory therapists and respiratory therapy
technicians (§§ 8500-8513).
165. Clinical laboratory technology practice act
(§§ 8600-8609).
166. Medical physics practice (§§ 8700-8709).
167. Applied behavior analysis (§§ 8800-8808).
Article 130*. General provisions (§§ 6500-6516).
131. Medicine (§§ 6520-6529).
131-A. Definitions of professional misconduct applicable to
physicians, physician's assistants and specialist's
assistants (§§ 6530-6532).
131-B. Physician assistants and specialist assistants
(§§ 6540-6548).
132. Chiropractic (§§ 6550-6556).
133. Dentistry, dental hygiene, and registered dental
assisting (§§ 6600-6613).
134. Licensed perfusionists (§§ 6630-6636).
135. Veterinary medicine and animal health technology
(§§ 6700-6714).
136. Physical therapy and physical therapist assistants
(§§ 6730-6743).
137. Pharmacy (§§ 6800-6831).
139. Nursing (§§ 6900-6911).
140. Professional midwifery practice act (§§ 6950-6958).
141. Podiatry (§§ 7000-7010).
143. Optometry (§§ 7100-7107).
144. Ophthalmic dispensing (§§ 7120-7128).
145. Engineering and land surveying (§§ 7200-7212).
147. Architecture (§§ 7300-7308).
148. Landscape architecture (§§ 7320-7328).
149. Public accountancy (§§ 7400-7409).
151. Shorthand reporting (§§ 7500-7504).
153. Psychology (§§ 7600-7606).
154. Social work (§§ 7700-7710).
155. Massage therapy (§§ 7800-7806).
156. Occupational therapy (§§ 7900-7908).
157. Dietetics and nutrition (§§ 8000-8006).
159. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists
(§§ 8200-8209).
160. Acupuncture (§§ 8210-8216).
161. Interior design (§§ 8300-8307).
162. Athletic trainers (§§ 8350-8358).
163. Mental health practitioners (§§ 8400-8412).
164. Respiratory therapists and respiratory therapy
technicians (§§ 8500-8513).
165. Clinical laboratory technology practice act
(§§ 8600-8609).
166. Medical physics practice (§§ 8700-8709).
167. Applied behavior analysis (§§ 8800-8808).