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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 11-108
Special presidential voters lists
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 1
§ 11-108. Special presidential voters lists. Prior to each general
election at which presidential electors are to be elected, each board of
elections shall prepare for each election district within its
jurisdiction a list containing the names, alphabetically arranged, and
the addresses of all persons whom the board of elections has determined
to be qualified as special presidential voters in such election
district, which list shall contain a column headed "remarks". Such list
shall be designated "List of Special Presidential Voters" and shall
include a photostatic copy or duplicate of the signature of each person
on such list. In those counties in which special presidential ballots
are delivered to the boards of inspectors to be counted, such lists of
special presidential voters shall be delivered to such boards of
inspectors with the election supplies.