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This entry was published on 2024-08-09
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SECTION 12-102
Lists of electors; state board of elections to furnish
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 12, TITLE 1
§ 12-102. Lists of electors; state board of elections to furnish. At
least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors
pursuant to section 12-104 of this title, the state board of elections

1. prepare seven lists, containing the names of the persons who are
elected as electors, a canvass of the votes cast for each candidate for
elector, a certificate of determination by the state board of
canvassers, the signature of the governor, the seal of the state, and
imprinted on such list an embossment of the seal of the state as a
security feature for purposes of verifying the authenticity of such
list; and

2. on behalf of the governor, transmit immediately after the
preparation of such lists one copy of such list to the archivist of the
United States by the most expeditious method available and deliver the
six other copies thus signed and sealed to the president of the college
of electors immediately after their election.