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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 17-108
False affidavits; mutilation, destruction or loss of registry list or affidavits
Election (ELN) CHAPTER 17, ARTICLE 17, TITLE 1
§ 17-108. False affidavits; mutilation, destruction or loss of
registry list or affidavits. 1. Any person who wilfully loses, alters,
destroys or mutilates the list of voters or registration poll ledgers in
any election district, or a certified copy thereof, is guilty of a

2. An applicant for registration who shall make, incorporate or cause
to be incorporated a material false statement in an application for
registration, or in any challenge or other affidavit required for or
made or filed in connection with registration or voting, and any person
who knowingly takes a false oath before a board of inspectors of
election, and any person who makes a material false statement in a
medical certificate or an affidavit filed in connection with an
application for registration, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

3. A person who shall wilfully suppress, mutilate or alter, or, except
as authorized by this chapter, shall destroy, any signed challenge or
other affidavit required for or made or filed in connection with
registration or voting, and any person who, except as authorized by this
chapter, shall remove such an affidavit from the place of registration
or polling place, is guilty of a felony.

4. A person other than the applicant who, prior to the filing of the
application, shall willfully suppress, mutilate, materially alter, or,
except as authorized by this chapter, destroy a signed application for
registration by mail, is guilty of a misdemeanor.